Page 10 - Cynclair's Swan Song
P. 10
Cynclair P. Musgrove
“Thanking You is all I Want to Do”
On August 4th, 2015, I reported for duty at the Paul Higgs Building on my island home . The feeling of excitement and anticipation fueled within propelled me to map out my vision: showcase the people, places and possibilities of
North Caicos . Achieving this was never a one man task . Fortunately, I was blessed to encounter the most dynamic source of support from day one . Each initiative I undertook:
- The National Heritage festivities
- The Premier’s Christmas Parties
- The International Women’s Day socials
- The National Cancer Walkathon
- The Christmas in the Park
These are but a few that became initiatives that were bound to succeed because of the united support system that I received throughout my tenure . Often times, when one or another was
no longer available, miraculously, new support would appear from the most unlikely sources . My support system never sought to be in the limelight ; they worked arduously behind the scenes to ensure that the outcome was wonderful .
I have been blessed with a gift that enables me to honor my people . Telling their life stories in poetry is my way of showcasing the plethora of talent that so often go unnoticed . Each time I “plan a party,” local talent is displayed ; local businesses are bolstered and North Caicos becomes the place to visit for historical purposes and cultural pleasure .
I have endured much criticism during my tenure but the satisfaction or appreciation gained from showcasing the abundance of talent among our students, straw vendors, farmers and other naturally gifted, far outweigh any attacks levied against me! The critics made me more determined to leave a legacy that can not be destroyed or erased even after I am replaced .
I have grown personally in the past seven plus years . The myriad missteps that I made were unintentional and sometimes unavoidable . I trust that none of my decisions left anyone or anything worse than I met them . If so, I humbly apologize .
I have cherished my role as District Commissioner of North Caicos . To say it was my dream job would be an understatement for it was truly a privilege to represent my own people. The color green signifies who I am and where I am from : wearing it makes a bold statement!
So, as I close this chapter of my life, I look forward to my Renaissance, for Compulsive Retirement is simply a rebirth for me .