Page 7 - Cynclair's Swan Song
P. 7

Nigel J. Dakin
In her book, “It Takes a Village “ Hillary Clinton extols the virtue of a group of people working together for a common good . When a village or a community adopt an attitude of service, the community is strengthened. There are so many ways one can contribute to the development of one’s community: time, finances, ideas are
but a few.
I salute the honorees who fall in one or more of these categories . Volunteers are priceless! May you continue to give selflessly. Students, you are laying a foundation for your future; seniors, you set a great example to be emulated.
Your selfless partnership with the District Commissioner, Ms . Cynclair Musgrove, is recognized in a tangible way . I take this opportunity to wish her Godspeed as she closes this chapter of her life . I am sure, like Ms . Musgrove, you too will continue to serve your community and by extension, your country .

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