Page 13 - Jeminer a'mima" Louise Stubbs
P. 13

When you asked me if I was going with you, and I responded, “ I love you and you should go by yourself.” I did not realize that you were saying goodbye.
As I sit here, trying to find the words to express the depth of my love and gratitude for you, I’m overwhelmed by the memories we shared and the love you gave so freely. You were not just my mother; you were my guiding light, my rock, and my greatest source of strength.
Your unwavering love and endless sacrifices shaped me into the person I am today. You taught me the importance of kindness, compassion, and resilience. Your gentle spirit and boundless wisdom guided me through life’s challenges, and your laughter filled my heart with joy.
Even in your final days, your grace and courage never wavered. You faced each obstacle with dignity and strength, leaving behind a legacy of love and perseverance that will forever inspire me.
Though you may no longer be here with me physically, your presence will always be felt. You may have left this world, but your love will continue to live on in the hearts of those you touched.
Thank you, Mom, for being my everything. I will cherish our memories and carry your love with me always.
Rest in peace, until we meet again.
Although I did not want you to leave, I am glad that you are no longer in pain; you are at rest, in the arms of your beloved Saviour.
As we lay you to rest today, I do not say goodbye, I say see you later. Love you!
Jear [James]
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In your life, you touched so many,
In your death, many lives were changed.
Keith’s Family
Oliver [Roma]

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