Page 11 - Ardly Orthniel Forbes
P. 11

I would choose you to be my dad a million times over.
You protected, nurtured, supported, and loved me for 33 years until your last breath.
You didn’t wear a cape, but in my eyes, you were a superhero.
You faced everything with bravery, courage, perseverance, and often independently.
You came to my rescue every single time, and if I had a cent for each time you did, I’d be a billionaire.
You never did anything without my approval, and I did the same. You always had the best advice and guided each of us on the right path.
You taught my siblings and I to weather the storm, no matter how rough it gets.
My siblings and I can agree to disagree that I was your heartstring. I knew how proud you were of me, as you bragged about me every chance you got. I find myself becoming much like you—determined, knowing exactly what I want, and understanding that only hard work will get me where I need to be.
Your words matched your actions, and I pray that one day my son will become even half the man you were—a man of respect, humble beginnings, loyalty, and dedication.
Death took you away, but it didn’t take away the footprints you left behind, the wonderful memories I have of you, the countless times I caught you sleeping on the sofa and did the silliest things to annoy you, the many years you ironed my clothes for school and work, and the giant of a man you were to our family.
Grief is truly the price we pay for love.
Sail on to your journey of rest, Papa Bear. I loved you in life & in death
Your heartstring Lisa

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