Page 12 - Ardly Orthniel Forbes
P. 12

 Dear Daddy,
You were my father, my wise counsel, my contractor, my teacher, the greatest boatman, but more importantly my mentor. There are no words to describe the void that has been left in my life and in my heart by your passing. I still cannot believe that you’re gone. You have always been a great provider, the one I could always depend on for anything. There was nothing that you wouldn’t do to ensure your family was never in need.
When life got rough, you calmed every storm, just by being there as a listening ear or giving a warm embrace. Talking to you took away all doubts and fears that I had. You had a special way of loudly encouraging and gently chiding me like the gentle giant you were. I can recall the times when mommy got tired of beating and enlisted you to be the disciplinarian, what should have put fear in me, made me so happy because your calm disposition afforded me a long lecture and a short beating. Thank you!
The lessons I have learnt, from all the lectures, all the experiences you gave me, the nurture you so kindly and proudly gave to all of us, your children, will never be replaced.
My childhood memories of you are etched in my mind and heart. A man of your word, firm, direct, honest and trustworthy. Daddy you were an amazing man!
Your life was the example that made me the man I am today and for that I am eternally grateful, though your footsteps are large and hard to fill, I will spend the rest of my life making you proud. Thank you for helping me be the best man I could be!
You will forever be missed, until we meet again! Your son, Kelorian Forbes
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To my amazing Dad, my hero, I want to say thank you! Thank you for being there for me every step of the way. Thank you for your guidance, your support, and your unwavering love. I can never put into words how much you mean to me, but I hope this tribute comes close.
A father’s love and strength are powerful enough to overcome all obstacles. The love you gave me from birth until your passing did not go unnoticed. My father, my friend, my provider and strong tower after God, these are just a few words that describe what you were to me.
You instilled in me values and taught me to be the man I am today, and for that, I say thank you. The tears still flow, but I give thanks to God for lending you to us. I am grateful that I had the honor of calling you father, among your many titles.
As your oldest son, I vow to continue being the man you wanted
me to be and attempt to fill even half the shoes you once walked in. As I write this, I reflect on the many lessons you taught me, especially your love for familial bonds. Your guidance shaped me in ways I can never fully express.
Though this is incredibly hard for me, I find solace in knowing you are at peace. Your pain is over now, Daddy.
Farewell, and I hope we meet again someday. Your son Kendrick

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