Page 38 - DDME "The Disaster Forum"
P. 38
The Department of
Disaster Management & Emergencies -WELCOMES-
Mr. Mark Wilkinson has been appointed as the Radio Communica@ons & Telecommunica@ons Specialist at the Department of Disaster Management & Emergencies within the Turks & Caicos Islands Government.
Mark is a graduate of the Art Williams Harry Wendt Aeronau@cal Engineering School, where he studied Aeronau@cal Engineering and specialized in Avionics Engineering, which comprises of Radio Communica@ons, Radars, Compasses & Naviga@onal Instruments. Mark, is the holder of AircraO Maintenance Engineers License issued by TCI Civil Avia@on Authority & Guyana Civil Avia@on Authority in accordance with the UK Air Naviga@on Order (OT) 2007 & Bri@sh Civil Avia@on Requirements, Sec@on L of the UK Air Naviga@on Order 2001 Requirements. As a Licensed AircraO & Avionics Engineer, he started at the Guyana Defense Force Air Corps Division where he cer@fies AircraO Radio Communica@ons systems and Military Radio Communica@ons.
Mark was previously employed by the Turks & Caicos Islands Airports Authority from 2008-2017 in the capacity of Execu@ve Engineering & Maintenance Manager where he was responsible for the Maintenance & Opera@ons of all Telecommunica@ons, Radio Communica@ons, Naviga@onal & Meteorological Systems for the TCIAA. In addi@on to his avia@on and
telecommunica@ons background, Mark also has training in Emergency Managers Weather Informa@on Network (EMWIN) system, Mass Evacua@on & Emergency Voice Evac Systems, Hurrtrak Hurricane Tracker & Weather System and Emergency Opera@ons Center (EOC) and Business Con@nuity Planning.
Mr. Wilkinson’s appointment took effect on the 1st March 2019, where he is responsible for the design and implementa@on of a robust Emergency Radio & Telecommunica@on system for the Turks & Caicos Islands. Mr. Wilkinson will work with the DDME Team, Government Departments and Stakeholders to develop and maintain Emergency Communica@on systems throughout the islands.
Commen@ng on the appointment Deputy Governor and Head of the Public Service Anya Williams said; “As communica@on is one of the most important factors in the response both during and aOer a disaster, our aim is to ensure that the Department of Disaster Management and Emergencies is not only equipped with the right communica@on experts and skills, but also the necessary tools and equipment that would allow us to appropriately carry out our du@es. The loss of communica@on on the islands of Grand Turk and South Caicos for an extended period aOer Irma demonstrated our vulnerabili@es in this area and the need to ensure that alterna@ve communica@on systems are put in place. We are happy to have Mr. Wilkinson join our team in DDME and hope that he can assist us in improving our communica@on systems and response.”
When asked about his appointment, Mr. Wilkinson, said; “I am excited to be a part of this team and certainly looking forward to making a difference by developing our emergency communica@on systems throughout the Turks & Caicos Islands.”