Page 37 - DDME "The Disaster Forum"
P. 37
The Department of
Disaster Management & Emergencies -WELCOMES-
The Turks and Caicos Islands civil service is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Mike Clerveaux to the post of Hazard Mi@ga@on & GIS Specialist within the Department of Disaster Management and Emergencies (DDME).
For the past three years, Mr. Clerveaux held the post of Hazard Mi@ga@on Officer within DDME. Prior to joining DDME, Mr. Clerveaux spent over 6 years as a Land Use Planner at the Department of Planning, with responsibility for reviewing planning applica@ons while promo@ng integrated development planning through spa@al interpreta@on of the macro-economic and sectoral policies to ensure their consistency with the principles of sustainable development. He has approximately eight years of experience in the field of GIS, Urban and Regional Planning and Disaster Management.
Prior to officially joining the DDME, Mr. Clerveaux played a cri@cal role in assis@ng the DDME in advancing its mandate by working as a Na@onal Instructor for establishing the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) in the TCI, Deputy Leader of the Turks and Caicos Search & Rescue Taskforce (TSART) and member of the Damage Assessment Team and Communi@es United in Response to Emergencies (CURE).
In his new role, Mr. Clerveaux will be responsible for the administra@on of the Department’s Hazard Mi@ga@on & Planning Programme. His du@es will cover but are not limited to analyzing hazard data for the implementa@on of na@onal pre-disaster planning and preven@on measures and recommending mi@ga@on measures to support sustainable development and planning in the country.
Mr. Clerveaux holds a MSc Built Environment (Specializa@on in Geoma@cs) and a BSc Urban & Regional Planning, both from the University of Technology, Jamaica and a Diploma in Secondary Educa@on (Specialized in Industrial Arts) from Mico Teachers College, Jamaica. He also has completed a wide range of professional development courses which include Leadership Development; Financial Management and Repor@ng; Building GIS Applica@ons in Support of Disaster Risk Management; Damage Assessments & Needs Analysis (DANA); Emergency Opera@ons Management; GIS Management and Hurrevac (for the tracking of storms); and a Cer@ficate in Business Con@nuity Management from H. Lavity Stout Community College, Bri@sh Virgin Islands.
Deputy Governor Anya Williams in congratula@ng Mr. Clerveaux on his new role, said; “I am pleased to congratulate Mr. Clerveaux on his recent promo@on; his second in the last few years! Mike demonstrates a high level of professionalism in carrying out his du@es and has always done so. He is highly commiSed to the area of Disaster Management and preparedness and should be commended for his work in this area, where he con@nues to excel.”
Mr. Clerveaux in responding stated; “I look forward to serving in this new capacity and working with all stakeholders to advance the Disaster Management agenda in the Turks and Caicos Islands. It is a privilege to con@nue to be a part of the Department of Disaster Management and Emergencies team in this key posi@on as we plan for and reduce the impact of poten@al hazards on our shores.”