Page 39 - DDME "The Disaster Forum"
P. 39


 The Department of
Disaster Management & Emergencies -WELCOMES-
  The Turks and Caicos Islands Civil Service is pleased to announce the appointment of Ms. Latoya Jones as the Training & Educa@on Specialist with the Department of Disaster Management and Emergencies.
Ms. Jones holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Geography/Biology from the University of Guyana and began her professional career as the Inward Investment Analyst at the then TCInvest in Grand Turk, where she was instrumental in helping foreign investors navigate the investment process in the Islands.
Ms. Jones recently held the posi@on of Disaster Management Coordinator for the Readiness to Respond Project in Guyana with the focus on Equipping and Training Vulnerable Communi@es with the resources to handle and respond to disasters, and has been a Red Cross Volunteer in the Turks and Caicos Islands for over 20 years.
She is one of the foremost First Aid/CPR Trainers in the Turks and
Caicos Islands; having trained our TCIRPF and other emergency
personal within TCIG and is also a Core member of Turks & Caicos
Islands Emergency Response Team, having played a vital role in the aOermath of both Irma and Maria.
In her new role she is responsible for the design and implementa@on of Comprehensive Disaster Management (CDM) educa@on and training programs in support of capacity building within the Turks & Caicos Islands and will work with the DDME Team and Stakeholders in promo@ng standards and competencies for Disaster Risk Reduc@on (DRR) Training in the TCI.
She is an avid proponent of Stress Management in the work place and has given lectures of such to the Bachelors’ Degree candidates at the Turks & Caicos Islands Community College and other private ins@tu@ons like First Caribbean Interna@onal Bank.
Ms. Jones when asked about her appointment, stated; “I am happy to be given this opportunity to serve the Turks & Caicos Islands in this new very cri@cal role. Educa@on and Training in Disaster Management is paramount to building the Disaster Readiness and Resilience Capacity of all of the Islands and I welcome the challenge to do so.”
Commen@ng on the appointment Deputy Governor Anya Williams said; “We are happy to have Ms. Jones join our team in the Department of Disaster Management and Emergencies, a team she has worked very closely with over the years, although in a different capacity. As knowledge is key, we wish her well in her endeavors to develop new educa@on and training programs for both internal and external stakeholder’s and wish her all the best.”

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