Page 10 - vCloudPoint Features_Neat
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Bandwidth                                                                           Secure Data

                          vCloudPoint consumes 25-50% less bandwidth                                          vCloudPoint uses SSL encryption to
                          compared to other thin client on the market.                                        safeguard all of your network traffic.

                             Remote Collaboration
                             vCloudPoint vChat Internal Messenger enables team
                             collaboration, messaging multiple users to the same time. The                                           Touch Screen and Monitor
                             vChat Internal Messenger allows users to talk with other users                                          Displays
                             in the same host. To run the vChat, right click on the vChat                                            vCloudPoint supports desktops comprised of

                             icon at the task bar and then click “Open Chat Window”.                                                 Touch screen and monitors displays, allowing
                                                                                                                                     users to maintain their desktop.

                  USB Redirection

                  vCloudPoint allows the users to use a human interface device (HIDs)
                  connected to the thin client through a USB connection, including the printer /                                         Compatibility
                  webcam / keyboard, mouse, or other peripherals.                                                                        vCloudPoint is compatible with Windows
                  USB Options: enabled (checked) by default; when disabled (unchecked), only                                             XP to Windows 10, Windows Server 2003
                  input devices such as mouse and keyboard are allowed.                                                                  to Windows Server 2019 operating systems.
                  •Enable USB Printers: check to allow the user to use USB printers.                                                     We are getting and also ready with
                  •Enable USB Storage Devices: check to allow the user to use USB storage                                                Windows Server 2022 and Windows 11
                  devices like disk and portable hard drive.
                  •Enable other remote USB devices: check to allow the user to use USB

                  devices except printers and storage devices.
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