Page 8 - vCloudPoint Features_Neat
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Image Quality                                                          Exceptional Color                                        Real-Time Desktop

                         vCloudPoint delivers sharp, clear,                                     Accuracy                                                 Control
                         and smooth image. vCloudPoint’ s                                       vCloudPoint provides                                     vCloudPoint gives users real-
                         DDP Protocol does all the coding and                                   accurate color, it gives                                 time keyboard & mouse

                         decoding algorithm so it prevents                                      users best experience in all                             response with minimal lag,
                         pixilation of image. Refresh image at                                  industry - from school to                                providing a remote experience
                         30 fps show a smooth image while                                       SMB / SME. This gives                                    that feels like a local desktop.
                         view online images or watching video                                   confidence to make
                         feels like a PC                                                        business decisions.

                        IP Virtualization                                                     Private Disk Space

                        With Shared Computing solution,                                       The Private Space marked                                   Personal Monitoring
                        multiple users have their own                                         with a lock icon is an                                     & Controlling
                        desktop sessions on a single host                                     extended partition created by                              Single Click and then
                        OS. Because these sessions are on                                     vMatrix Server Manager on                                  select “View Desktop” to
                        the same OS, they all share the IP                                    an existing partition for                                  enter the user’s personal

                        address of the host for network                                       storing terminal users’                                    page. This page allows you
                        communication. The sharing of an                                      personal files. Files inside                               to monitor and take
                        IP address for multiple sessions                                      this Private Space are visible                             control over a user
                        sometimes causes problems in an                                       to their owners and                                        desktop.
                        environment. This features works                                      administrators. These files
                        very well with online Exam                                            are inaccessible to other
                                                                                              terminal users.
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