Page 5 - Henry Dungy Program
P. 5

To My Loving Daddy,
You left us so peacefully one day before your 84th birthday. I had already gotten your birthday card and we planned to celebrate another milestone. But God had other plans. You even asked if Cathy and I were okay before you closed your eyes for the last time. After we assured you that we were okay, you said, “I love you so much. Let me go...I’m tired”. My card to you.. I’m grateful to have you for my Father. You may not realize how much you’ve influenced my life. So many times I remember encouraging words you’ve said, and rely on the wisdom of things you’ve taught me...And though I may not always tell you, I want you to know
how important you are in my life and how much I love and appreciate you. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY!
With Love, Your Firstborn Daughter, Kaye
A Note to My Father
Thank you, Daddy, for the legacy you left behind in me. I will always cherish the memories we had together, forever. I love you so much—you will truly be missed. ~Love Cathy
To My PaPa
Thank you for loving unconditionally, for sharing your wisdom with me, and for setting an example of what it means to live an abundant life. I love and miss you immensely.
Rest well. ~Love Jenn
His eyes and smile brought sunshine.
His smooth voice welcomed us
His open arms called us forward in warm embrace
His kindness and generosity filled in the gaps o lost time.
We thank God for the times we had and will carry on his love for family,
his entreprenuerial and adventurous spirit.
Rest well, Grandpa. Love your grandchildren: Kenya, Yani, Aisha, Rayna, and Emmanuel
Tribute to My PaPa:
This was my very last photo op with you PaPa . . . and you were extremely ecstatic and excited as I told you, “PaPa, guess what? I passed my boards!” Words simply aren’t enough to express the joy I felt seeing you smile and nodding/saying, “Good job. That’s what I’m talking about.” You were one of the best grandparents, the
coolest and smoothest PaPa EVER—always loving and not afraid to show it or say, “I LOVE YOU!” You were veryaffectionage,trulyaboutfamily,andALWAYSgivingtootherswithoutcomplains.YouNEVERseemed
worry about anything, and the endless conversations about life, numbers, and nursing were treasured!
cause of YOU, I aspired to reach the highest degree of nursing because you said, “Don’t stop!” I’ll miss
you, but my 38 years of life will forever be remembered and treasured! Love, Kayla.
Henry was blessed to celebrate 83 birthdays on Earth!
t o Be-

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