Page 4 - Henry Dungy Program
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boxing matches at the Amphitheater for boys’ night out.
Henry was a strong advocate for furthering your education. He would say “you’re either going to school or get a job” but he
always stressed education to his children and grandchildren. He said “Education is something that nobody can take from you.” He was so proud of his children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews’ accomplishments . . . always wanting to hear about their successes and future life plans. Being the family-oriented person, he attended all family gatherings/outings, picnics, graduations, wedding, birthday parties, plays, etc.
Henry had many friends and valued all their relationships. He was
big on friendships, trust and loyalty. He was a down to earth, good natured person with a giving heart. He was always willing to help anybody in need. Always smiling, he made you feel comfortable even if you didn’t know him. His mantra was “Treat people how you want to be treated”. He would also say if you loaned money
to someone and they failed to pay you back, he’d say “you ain’t gotta worry
about them coming back to borrow more, because they already owe you.”
So you’re done with them.
Henry loved to travel and had driven to many different States across the country. He’d made several trips to Jamaica and the Caribbean islands. He also enjoyed going to Las Vegas and Florida countless times. He always said travel while you’re able to enjoy it and that he did. Henry felt he lived a “good” life, he did everything he wanted to do.
Henry was diagnosed with Myelofibrosis over 15 years ago and lived a
good life while under treatment. In 2015 he was diagnosed with end-stage renal disease and began dialysis in 2016. He never complained and took it in stride. He would say “Live the life you’re given” some people are sicker than me. “These are the cards that have been dealt to me.” Throughout his health challenges, his daughters and his long- time companion Laura supported him, went to all of his Doctors’ appointments with him.
When his health began to fail and he could no longer live alone, he
went to live with Cathy and then Kaye who became his caretaker. Often times
he spent nights with Laura who was a support for Cathy and Kaye. He loved
and appreciated his time with Laura, especially her meatloaf and mashed
paotatoes. He was so grateful to both of his daughters Kaye and Cathy for the
loving care they gave him. He appreciated Lucius “Skip” Johnson for taking
him to the bowling alley, Murrell “GG” Harvey for taking him to the Tuesday
luncheon with old friends, Richard Leftridge for taking him to the Horseshoe
Casino, and Forest Vaughn for so many days sitting with him watching sports so
Kaye and Cathy could have their outings. Ronald Creswell for all the meals prepared for him prior to him living with his daughters. Kevin Pinkney, who was just like a son to Henry, would do whatever Henry asked of him at any given time, especially as he got older and his health was more challenging.
On November 3, 2018 at 12:52 p.m. Henry’s life journey on this earth ended, and his eternal life with God began. Henry’s memory will last forever with his daughters, Kaye and Cathy (Forest); son, Henry Luvert (Arbrella); sister-in-law, Leola Dungy; brother-in-law, Albert Prayor (Annette); grandchildren: Tamiko, Benjamin, Henry (Elysyka) Kayla, Braylon, Karla-Renae, Patti (Joshua), Jennifer, Jenae, Kenya, Ayanna (Bryan), Aisha, Rayna (Nate), and Emmanuel; eighteen great-grandchildren, nieces, and nephews; special companion, Laura Bonds; close friends: Kevin Pinkney, Richard Leftridge, and Albert Bradley; and so many friends.