Page 3 - Henry Dungy Program
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Henry’s Life Journey
enry Ray Dungy, Sr. was born November 4, 1934 in Chicago, Illinois, to the late Henry Samuel and Thelma Corley Dungy-Nathan. Henry was the second child of three siblings. His parents; sister, Iula Yarbrough; and brother, Elmus T. Dungy, preceded him in
Henry grew up in the Ida B. Wells complex. He would sometimes reminisce and talk about his family being one of the first to live in that housing complex. He attended Doolittle Elementary School
and graduated from Wendell Phillips High School in June 1952. Henry was a sports enthusiast during his years at Wendell Phillips. He played football, baseball, ran track, and he was also in the drama club. He was a member of the Phillips High School Reunion Committee until the committee was dissolved in 2014. He was very proud of the rich history that Phillips High School had. Henry often talked about his friendship with Ira Murchison from Wendell Phillips. Ira was a gold medalist at the 1956 Olympic Games for running track.
On April 27, 1951, Henry had a son named Henry Ray with Jennie Luvert. On December 13, 1952, Henry married the late Dollie Lysbeth Husband. To their union four children were born: three daughters, Kaye Carol, Crystal Lorraine, and Cathy Michelle and another son, Henry Ray, Jr. (Hank). Crystal and Hank preceded him in death.
Henry was employed with the Chicago Belt Railway as a Switchman
for 39 years until he retired. He was proud of the gold watch given to him inscribed with his years of service: 1957–1996. During his years at the railroad, he worked the night shift, thereby enabling him to work many different daytime jobs. He worked for Rothschild Liquors as a distributor, he sold Kirby vacuum cleaners and vertical blinds just to name a few of many jobs he had. He knew how to make money; he was a bit of a hustler. He sold anything you could think of that would bring extra money for his family. His entrepreneurial spirit led him and two friends, Murell Harvey and Richard Leftridge to open their own business . . . Hilltop Enterprises, a packaged goods liquor store and lounge. Another independent venture was Jiffy Products Inc., a car and home deodorizer business which he was the secretary, treasurer, and a sales representative. The Hilltop Lounge was the place to party and have some fun in the 70s and 80s. All his hard work paid off because his family had a good life.
Henry was a family-oriented man, he loved his children. He accepted his role
as a father to the highest level. There were countless trips to the park every weekend and to the drive-in movies. He would take the children on these outings even though he was so tired, he would sleep while they watched the movies. The famous Bud Billikin Parade was an event he took the children to every year. Henry would take the kids during Christmas, ride around the neighborhood to look at the decorated houses. The family had a ping pong table and pin ball machine in the basement. All of the children’s friends spent many hours at the house playing these games and having fun. Henry participated in these activities with the children. He was a great bid whist player and taught each of them how to play. He would drive the kids around the City of Chicago what he called the “low end” and talk about how not to end up there. Many weekends in his basement he played his favorite card game, poker, with his friends all night long.
Henry was an avid bowler and bowled with the Arthur Bradford Majors Men’s Bowling League for over thirty years. He also bowled with the Provident Hospital Bowling League for over twenty years. He religiously watched football, basketball, baseball and boxing on television. Many times, he would take his grandsons to