Page 2 - Henry Dungy Program
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 To everything there is a season, a time to every purpose under the Heaven; a time to be born and a time to die... Ecclesiastes 3:1-2
 Homegoing Service
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Wake: 10:00 a.m. | FuNeral: 11:00 a.m.
leak aNd soNs FuNeral Homes • 7838 souTH CoTTage grove aveNue • CHiCago, illiNois
 Order of Service
Prayer of Comfort
Rev. Stephen J. Thurston II Scripture
Musical Selection “Wind Beneath My Wings” Resolutions Acknowledgment of Cards Remarks & Tributes Obituary
Musical Selection
“I Won’t Complain” Eulogy
Elder Ronald E. Smith Sr. Benediction Recessional
Oak Woods Cemetery 1035 East 67th Street Chicago, Illinois
Leak & Sons Funeral Homes 7838 South Cottage Grove Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60619
True Events
10807 South Michigan Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60628
Henry Beals Rodney Brown Ronald Creswell Jonté Poole-Harris
Honorary Pallbearers
Braylon Beals Albert Bradley Albert Prayor Richard Leftridge Kevin Pickney Murell Harvey Forest Vaughn

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