Page 172 - UUBO PE Summit 2020 - Materials
P. 172

Public Market Exits – IPOs

                       PE exits through a public market such as an IPO on the Nigerian Stock Exchange offers benefits that are advantageous to

                       businesses in the long run. These benefits include:

           Access to Deep                        Valuation and                           Corporate                        Enhanced Efficiency                        Innovation

           Pool of Capital                      Depth of Market                         Governance                            in Regulation

         A public exit provides                   A public listing                     Enforcement of                   The NSE has improved                Leveraging on technology,
        listed companies with                 provides a method for                corporate governance                    its regulations and                the NSE has developed
        access to a global and                a fair valuation of the              structures ensures that                   streamlined its                platforms such as the X-PO
         diverse investor base                   business. With a                   checks and balances                  requirements process                platform for the issuance
           which aids capital                 market capitalisation                    needed for the                    to aid listing process,              of securities, X-Mobile
         formation needed for                 of $70.58bn, the NSE                    continuity of the                 assist listed companies             platform for easier trading,

        growth and expansion                      is a multi-asset                 business. Studies show                with regulatory filings            X-Gen for remote trading ,
                                              exchange with a deep                  that listed companies                  and consequently                     X-Issuer platform for
                                                      market.                       had a higher survival               reduce time to market                    easier reporting of
                                                                                      rate than unlisted                 for capital formation                  financial statements
                                 01                                   02                  companies         03                                    04                                   05

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