Page 6 - Rotary DIN Feb 16
P. 6

FOUNDATION                                                             Off to India

Top five ranking for Foundation                                        This month, India is holding its
                                                                       last National Immunisation Day
Rotary Foundation has just been ranked fifth in the list of top        and two Rotarians from
charities for changing the world. According to James Bolton, who is    Braunton Caen will be flying
the new RIBI Communications Administrator at Alcester: “It is nice     out to help with the exercise,
to see that we’re being recognised for the role we play not only in    being held on February 21 .
polio eradication but also other global challenges.”
                                                                       The country has been polio-
The list, compiled by the American news network CNBC, says of the      free for three years and to
Foundation: “This non-for-profit organisation works to advance world   mark the day, Roger and Paula
understanding, goodwill and peace. Using Rotary Foundation grants,     Byrom, who both championed
Rotary’s 34,000 clubs across the globe develop and carry out           the club’s Purple Crocus
sustainable humanitarian projects and provide scholarships and         campaign, will have the chance
professional training opportunities.                                   to help administer the vaccine.
                                                                       The country’s plan is to
“One of its biggest initiatives aims at eradicating polio through its  immunise 172m children under
PolioPlus programme, launched in 1986. Since then, Rotary and its      the age of five, at a cost of
partners, including the World Health Organization and the Bill &       £36m.
Melinda Gates Foundation, have immunised more than 2.5 billion
children, reducing the incidence of polio by 99 per cent and
eradicating it from all but three countries.”

Top world charity was the California-based Direct Relief.

More information:
James Bolton can be reached on

American actress Kirsten Bell talks about the End Polio Now

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