Page 7 - Rotary DIN Feb 16
P. 7

Roger Byrom said: “I first        Rotary condemns Taliban attack
heard about the crocus
campaign back in 2012 and                                         Rotary members and
thought what a great                                              their partners in the
fundraising idea it was and all                                   fight against polio
the funds raised by the                                           have offered their
Braunton people have proved                                       condolences in the
how successful it is. When we                                     wake of the attack on
heard about the trip to India to                                  Quetta, Pakistan, on
immunise the children, we                                         13 January 2016.
knew that this would be a trip
of a lifetime and chance to see                                   Quetta Pakistan
first-hand how the donated
money is spent. Each child’s      A total of 15 security personnel outside the polio immunisation
vaccine costs only 20p; so        centre lost their lives in the suicide bombing. A banned Pakistan
every £1 donated keeps five       Taliban group claimed responsibility for the attack. The Taliban and
children free from polio.”        some clerics have opposed the vaccinations, accusing workers of
                                  being American spies and claiming they are part of a Western plot to
Braunton residents have           reduce Muslim fertility rates. Another Taliban group connected with
helped raise £650 via crocus      the so-called Islamic State, also claimed responsibility for the attack.
sales. As the boxes of crocuses
were sponsored by local           A spokesman for Rotary said: “We applaud the government’s
business, all the money raised    commitment to continue the vaccination campaign throughout
has gone to the campaign.         Pakistan, one of only two countries where the polio virus is still

                                  “Even as we absorb the horror of this bombing, we are redoubling
                                  our efforts to educate families and build confidence in the safety of
                                  polio vaccines.

                                  “Vast improvements have been seen in Pakistan, with more than 80
                                  per cent fewer cases in the country than in 2014. And today, our
                                  release of $35m in grants for polio eradication signals our
                                  determination to finish the job.”
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