Page 13 - District Interactive Magazine June 2019
P. 13

Saltash lend a hand                                   perishable food was having to be thrown away.
                                                      The Club resolved to provide the Drop-in Centre
Late in 2018, the Rotary Club of Saltash became       with new refrigerators.
aware that the Shekinah Drop-In Centre in
Plymouth was experiencing problems with the           Funds were raised, and the Club applied for a
provision of meals to those in need of its services.  supplementary Rotary Foundation grant through
                                                      District 1175. The grant application was approved
Shekinah is a Devon and Cornwall based charity        and Saltash Rotary Club has been able to donate
which provides services for people seeking            funds for the purchase of two new commercial-
recovery from homelessness, drugs, alcohol and        sized refrigerators. These are now in place. A
other issues, and Saltash Rotary Club, along with     cheque for £819.98 was presented to the chef,
other Plymouth clubs, has been a long time            Max Wilson, on 18th January by the Club’s
supporter, both collectively and individually.        Foundation chairman, Gerry Stevenson (see
                                                      photograph on the left)..
The Centre provides meals for its clients seven
days a week, comprising breakfasts, snacks and        Having a Ball
main meals. Take away food is also provided

The kitchens are served by refrigerators, which, in   It was with great pleasure that DG Graham was
order to meet food safety standards, need to keep     able to present a cheque for £1500 to another
the food at temperatures below five degrees.          Graham (!) one of the trustees from The Lions
Saltash Rotary Club learned that these                Barber Collective. This was as a result of the
refrigerators were not consistently able to           money that was raised at the Babbacombe
maintain the required temperature, and much           Sputnik team's AngelsBall 2019. The team would
                                                      like to thank everyone who helped, came along
                                                      and supported this event - here's to next year!!
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