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                        ALISON STIMPERT

                        MOSS LANDING MARINE LABORATORIES               Alison Stimpert studies marine mam-
                        COLLEGE OF SCIENCE                     mals and their unique reliance on underwater
                        SPONSOR: CASCADIA RESEARCH             sound for communication and navigation. To the
                                                               concern of Stimpert and her fellow scientists,
                        COLLECTIVE, NATIONAL OCEANIC AND       whales and dolphins are not the only ones mak-
                        ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION (NOAA)      ing noise in the ocean.
                                                                       Human noise generated by military and
                                                               commercial sources can interfere with the sounds
                                                               of the mammals, and may change their be havior.
                                                                       “Commercial shipping is one of the
                                                               biggest contributors,” Stimpert says, “and
                                                               overlaps with the frequency range used by most
                                                               baleen whales. Navy sonar and seismic airguns
                                                               used for oil explora tion can also have strong
                                                                       Stimpert’s research seeks to under-
                                                               stand the impact of human noise. One multi-
                                                               year project, a collaboration with the U.S. Navy
                                                               and several other academic, government and
                                                               non-profit institutions, involves tagging marine
                                                               mammals off the California coast. Another,
                                                               working with NOAA, characterizes the acoustic
                                                               impact of demersal fish survey gear. With tags,
                                                               sonar exposure and passive acoustic recording,
                                                               Stim pert’s team generates large sets of acoustic
                                                               data that shed new light on the behavior of
                                                               several species, including blue whales and
                                                               Risso’s dol phins.
                                                                       Stimpert sees her research as part of a
                                                               larger conservation effort. “I became interested in
                                                               marine mammals because they are an excellent
                                                               ambassador species for conveying messages
                                                               of conservation. Whales and dolphins are very
                                                               char ismatic, and people want to protect them.
                                                               Fortu nately, changes that we make to help
                                                               whales and dolphins help other species in the
                                                               ocean as well.”

                                                                                I am researching killer whale and
                                                                                Risso’s dolphin acoustics. Studying
                                                               at Moss Landing Marine Labs has provided
                                                               me with extensive field work opportunities,
                                                               and I have been fortunate to do thesis work
                                                               in such a dynamic area as Monterey Bay.
                                                               Brijonnay Madrigal, '18 MS Marine Science
                                                               Aboard the MLML Rigid Hulled Inflatable Boat

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