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                               DAVID SCHUSTER                            ESHAN KHATAMI

                      Assistant Professor Ehsan Khatami from the      Further, Dr. Schuster has made tremendous
               Department of Physics and Astronomy, College of   contributions to his students’ research productivity. He
               Science, and Assistant Professor David Schuster from the   serves on thesis committees and has an active research
               Department of Psychology, College of Social Sciences,   lab of undergraduate and graduate students. He is highly
               were chosen to receive the Early Career Investigator   committed to providing SJSU students with top-notch
               Awards for 2017.                                educational opportunities and research training.
                      The Research Foundation Early Career            Since he joined the Physics & Astronomy faculty,
               Investigator Award recognizes tenure-track faculty who   Ehsan Khatami has made remarkable contributions to
               have excelled in research, scholarship or creative activity   the computational infrastructure and capabilities in the
               (RSCA) as evidenced by their success in securing funds for   department and college; published extensively in the
               RSCA, publishing in peer-reviewed journals, and carrying   highest-ranked science journals, including one paper
               out other important scholarly and creative activities at an   in Nature and two in Science, with co-authors from
               early or beginning point in their careers at SJSU.    institutions like MIT, Harvard, and Princeton; and served
                      David Schuster joined SJSU’s faculty in 2013   as research mentor for seven undergraduate and six
               and established himself early on as a highly productive   graduate students.
               grant writer and scholar. His research is designed to      Dr. Khatami was hired to help expand the
               increase understanding of individual and shared cognition   department’s offerings in computational physics
               in complex environments and is applicable to areas such   throughout the curriculum. The first project he undertook
               as the cognitive aspects of cybersecurity and perceptual   was to build the department’s first modern high-
               training for real-world pattern recognition in such   performance computational cluster,,
               domains as aviation, transportation security training and   which is used extensively by students enrolled in big-data
               military human-robot interaction.               courses and undertaking computational research.
                      Dr. Schuster’s grant activity and success have      Because of his computational expertise, Dr.
               been remarkable. He was granted the NSF’s most   Khatami joined Dr. Sen Chiao as Co-PI on the successful
               prestigious award for early career faculty, the CAREER   National Science Foundation (NSF) Major Research
               Award, in 2016. Additionally, he serves as Co-PI with an   Instrumentation proposal that funded the $900K
               SJSU colleague on a collaborative research NSF grant.   supercomputer now installed at the Research Foundation.
               He was also awarded a supplemental grant by NSF in   He also was awarded a three-year NSF Research at
               support of undergraduate research training at SJSU. Dr.   Undergraduate Institutions grant for his project on
               Schuster has been successful in his pursuit of internal   “Disorder in Strongly Correlated Systems.”
               grant funding as well, earning a number of awards in      Dr. Khatami and his students have also
               support of his research and the research of SJSU students.    expanded their research focus to apply machine learning
                      Dr. Schuster has also been a productive scholar.   techniques to the solution of complex quantum problems,
               He has authored four peer-reviewed articles in his   and one of his graduate students has been the lead
               short time at SJSU, as well as multiple peer-reviewed   author on two papers, one already published in Physical
               proceedings papers, two book chapters and a number of   Review X.
               invited research presentations.

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