Page 23 - the organization X
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Anand Kumar • strong management capabilities
and leadership competence
Partner in Business to manage complex projects
Consulting for and enable growth and project
execution success.
OrganizationX. • He has spearheaded the
• Anand has over 18 years development of the 5-year
of Experience in the field of Corporate strategy of a large
Organizational Excellence, family-owned business
Strategy Development & Program conglomerate in the UAE. He has
Management; he has developed helped organizations
strategies • to adopt principles of excellence
• that are sustainable for long (EFQM framework) to reduce
term using internationally proven costs & improve profitability,
Business Excellence Models & improve processes, save time, save
Integrated Management Systems. resources, enhance
He has worked with large public • stakeholder satisfaction levels,
• & private sector organizations win recognitions and awards. He
in both manufacturing & service is a Team leader/Senior Assessor
industry, and has trained over for Dubai Human Development
4000 personnel in various Award/ Dubai Quality Award,
management system concepts. He • a prestigious award programs
is a of the Government of Dubai
• Transformation Management developed to enable sustainable
expert and has Program managed growth among the business
many complex projects . Even community of the Middle East.
though Anand comes from a • Anand holds a Bachelor of
technical background, he possess Engineering degree. /in/anand-kumar-shanmugham-13345b22/