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Leona Curtis-                       •  along with her MBA, gives her
                                         a depth of business experience
     Oliver                              which helps her to relate to the
                                         teams and individuals she works
     Senior Associate in Business        with. Leona is a Faculty Member

     Consulting for OrganizationX        •  and Front of Room Leader
                                         with CRR Global (home of
     •  Leona is a Certified Assessor,   Organisational Systems Coaching).
     Team Coach and Team                 Additionally, Leona conducts
     Effectiveness Consultant, providing  extensive pro bono work within the
     HR leaders with bespoke solutions,  Type
     which reassure CEOs, Audit & Risk   •  1 Diabetic Community.
     •  Committees and Boards that       •  Leona holds an Executive
     optimum HR Practices are in         MBA and Bachelor Degree from
     place. With a client base from 4    respected British universities
     continents, Leona is well known for  along with an Executive Education
     her ability to drive immediate      Programme in Customer Driven
     •  performance improvement          •  Marketing at Wharton. She is
     through her impactful and           an ICF certified leadership team
     innovative interventions. Leona has  coach and certified ORSC Team
     unique ways of working with teams  Coach Practitioner. She is a Hogan
     to drive collaboration, empathy,    Certified Assessor and High
     •  trust and teamwork. Her          •  Performance Collaboration
     early career as a sales and         Certified Consultant. In addition
     marketing leader within             she is certified by ABPI (Association
     major global pharmaceutical,        British Pharmaceutical Industry)
     telecommunications and
     publishing companies,
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