Page 3 - Resolve e-Flyer
P. 3
The Five Step Process Summary
I used the 5 Step Process to help a specific piece of work
that was ‘going round in circles’. Working with a colleague, UNDERSTAND
who also attended the course, we put together a Mission THE PROBLEM
Statement and action plan to move the project forward. It
is now close to resolution as a direct result of that activity. EXPLORE
I feel more confident speaking up and giving direction
– challenging cultural stereotypes and being clear about DECIDE
what’s needed. COURSE OF ACTION
I now use a more methodical approach in setting up and EXECUTE
running projects. Stepping back and analysing an issue THE PLAN
rather than diving straight in; especially useful if it’s a
problem not encountered before.
Workshop 1
Leadership and decision-making in
today’s relentlessly unpredictable
operating environment
6 WEEKS Strengthscope™ - using personal
WORKSHOP 2 strengths to greatest effect
Target Audience The Five Step Problem Solving Process
(as seen above)
Project Managers Workshop 2
Those accountable for delivering results
3-day workshop Reviewing progress and learnings
(2 days - 6 weeks - 1 day)
Deploying strengths as a team
16-18 delegates Final Exercise: Practicing the Process