Page 4 - SLDP Case Study
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Phase 2: Police Work
One week delivered by instructors at the Key elements include:
Defence School of Policing and • Role of the incident manager
Guarding, the Centre of Excellence for • Introduction to National
Policing across UK Defence Services. Decision-Making Model / Principles of
This phase is aimed at enhancing the First Response
understanding of the roles required of • Judgemental Training
supervisors when responding to major • Forensic Awareness
incidents, and effectively command and • Role of the Supervisor
control crime scenes, work alongside • Theft and Criminal Damage
local authorities, and preserve forensics. • Crime Scene Management
Phase 3: Security and Programme Assessment
Four weeks based in Portsmouth, this Key elements include:
phase includes a security development • Site visits: public spaces, maritime,
programme designed to enhance aviation, critical and major event
knowledge, understanding and capability infrastructure
through a combination of presentations, • “Hydra” immersive simulation to
group discussion, site-visits and appraise technical & leadership
project-based assignments, followed by learning
an immersive, state-of-the-art • Governance, International codes and
role-playing simulation. legislation, Risk Management, Security
planning & Incident response
Phase 4: Regional Projects
Four months developing business Key elements include:
improvement projects, supported and • Project proposal and development
reviewed by IDG, followed by a learning • Mentor support
review and presentation of projects to • Learning review
senior leaders within the client’s • Project presentations
organisation. • Graduation
Four cohorts have been successfully delivered and six more have been ordered.
The most recent cohort achieved the following Kirkpatrick scores (out of 5):
IDG Facilitator Effectiveness 4.56 Learning Environment 4.63
Impact of the Programme 4.49 Reaction to Programme 4.48