Page 20 - PEF Joining Instructions Booklet-Mockup
P. 20

Appendix 4 – Programme Support (UK)

             Danny Neil                                 Jake Meyer
             Operations Manager                         Consultant

             Danny is responsible for assisting the Project   Jake joined IDG in 2010 and has worked
             Director with the Maintenance of the IDG   across a broad range of clients and
             contract with the MOD. He also manages the   industries, including: International Financial
             team for the delivery of logistics and     Institutions around the world, The Oil and
             resources for both residential and offsite   Gas industry in the Middle East, Engineering
             programmes, including international events.   and Construction, Fire and Rescue Services,
             In addition he facilitates as a consultant on a   Sports teams, and a range of Professional
             number of our development programmes.      Services in the UK.

                01276 686 644                              07717 0763 0736

             Josh Thorne
             Operations & Programme

             Josh joined IDG in December 2015 as one of
             the Operations and Programme
             Coordinators at the RMAS office. This
             includes dealing with all the background
             logistics and assisting operationally whilst
             clients are onsite. Josh is also the main
             admin point of contact for the Sandhurst
             Team Days.

                01276 686 644

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