Page 19 - PEF Joining Instructions Booklet-Mockup
P. 19

Appendix 4 – Programme Support (UK)

             Craig Preston                              Iain Robertson
             Managing Director                          Principal Consultant

             Craig Preston is the Managing Director of   Iain works across all of IDG’s major clients
             IDG. Craig was formerly a consultant with   bringing a real commercial focus to any
             IDG before moving to Aon, where he worked   programme he delivers. He is responsible for
             as a risk consultant after which he led one of   managing one of IDG’s largest financial
             Aon’s largest regional businesses. He has a   services accounts, using a global team to
             wealth of leadership experience from his   deliver workshops in 20 countries across
             roles with Aon, previously with Coca-Cola   three continents. Iain is also part of the team
             and during his time as an Army Officer. He   who design and deliver IDG’s bespoke
             was also appointed the first Head od People   business simulations.
             Development for the Rugby Football Union.

                0774 862 8749                              07852 106 001

             Ed Chacksfield                             Heather Couchman
             Senior Consultant                          Operations Director

             Ed is responsible for graduate and youth   Heather Couchman is Programme Manager
             programmes delivered in the UK and the     for global client teams. Her role includes
             Middle East and delivers on a broad suite of   client relationship management, tendering,
             programmes for clients drawn from the      budget creation and implementation,
             financial services, energy and construction   supplier engagement, and overall project
             sectors.                                   leadership using project management tools
                                                        and techniques. The role requires planning,
                                                        coordination, and successful delivery of
                                                        customised programs.

                0794 019 159                               07540 272 258

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