Page 2 - Accelerate Virtual e-flyer
P. 2
This training course was not like any others I have
previously attended, it opened my mind to new
ways of approaching work life and dealing with
colleagues and management. Would definitely
Executive Summary recommend.
Following the success of the Accelerate After several bad courses over the
programme which was rolled out in years, this course has renewed my
a number of areas in 2019, IDG have faith in training. The facilitators
created a virtualised version of the were excellent in their presentation
programme to enable the continued and delivery, the training material
development of the GCB5 population.
was very good and I believe this will
make a difference in my day to day
Whilst the original programme was productivity.
designed to be delivered face to
face we have developed an online
version which is highly engaging and
achieves the below mentioned learning
outcomes in a virtual environment
which is more readily accessible to Methodology
colleagues working from home. This
programme will allow participants to:
The virtual programme primarily works on
Build their leadership capability to a module based structure. Each session is
support and embed the IT Manifesto an innovative mix of concepts, activities,
Develop and apply personal videos, role plays, real life narratives that
leadership philosophy the delegates can relate to and ‘table top’
Hone the knowledge, skills and discussions which enable increased learning
attitudes to effectively respond to and assimilation. The facilitation style
and combat the pressures of a VUCA ensures that it is interactive and thought
Create a coaching culture in their MODULE 1 MODULE 2
teams to facilitate high performance MANAGING MANAGING
Apply practical management and YOURSELF TEAMS
leadership tools to support ongoing 2 DAYS 2 DAYS
performance enhancement
Take sufficient time for reflection,
application and feedback to ensure
measurable behaviour change 6-8 WEEKS 6-8 WEEKS