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Executive Summary                                        Our Methodology

        The business case for gender diversity                   The TenacITy programme is aimed at women with people management or project
        is well made. We know that                               management responsibility in bands 4, 5 and high potential 6’s. The 3-day
        organisations with diverse leadership                    interactive virtual programme (2+1 day format with a gap of six weeks to embed
        teams enjoy higher levels of                             learning) is delivered to 12 participants and includes an individual, post-programme,
        performance and profitability                            90 min coaching session.
        (McKinsey. Diversity wins: How
        inclusion matters, 2020).                                The programme incorporates:

        Business functions where innovation                                                        is an assessment tool that provides a comprehensive
        and agility are paramount require                           measurement of an individual’s strengths and the extent to which these are
        tenacious leaders who can quickly grip                      applied productively at work. An individual feedback report enables participants
        a situation, solve problems and lead the                    to deploy their strengths to best effect and identify development areas.
                                                                    RESOLVE: a Five Step Problem Solving Process drawn from Mission Analysis,
        The world of IT is a challenging and                        the military approach to analysing problems and making decisions under
        ever-changing environment where                             pressure.
        leaders and managers at all levels are
        required to make decisions with limited
        time, resources and information.
        Female leaders can bring essential                                                                                                90 MINS
        perspectives and cultural dynamics that                                             DAY 1    DAY 2               DAY 3          1-2-1 WITH EACH
        help build high performing teams.
                                                                                                              6 WEEKS

                                                                 PSYCHOMETRICS             WORKSHOP 1               WORKSHOP 2           INDIVIDUAL
   1   2   3   4   5