P. 3

Competencies                                                                                            The Five Step

            & Capabilities                                                                                                Process

          Address barriers believed to                    I used the Five Step Process to help
          affect  the ability to have a                   a specific piece of work that was                      1     UNDERSTAND
          fulfilling career at the Bank                    ‘going round in circles’. Working                                      THE PROBLEM

                                                          with a colleague, who also
          Develop self-awareness and
          build more effective                            attended the course, we put
          relationships                                   together a Mission Statement and                                  EXPLORE
                                                          Action Plan to move the project                         2
          Build on strengths to                           forward. It is now close to                                           THE SITUATION
          improve personal impact                         resolution as a direct result of that
          and influence

          Conduct courageous                                                   - Participant Feedback             3           DECIDE
          conversations and manage                                                                                             COURSE OF ACTION

          Follow a problem-solving                        It is a huge step for us to open up,
          process to make better
          informed decisions                              to talk to someone and each other                       4         EXECUTE
                                                          honestly about what we think and                                        THE PLAN

          Lead with confidence and                        what barriers we experience at
          through collaboration                           work.

                                                                               - Participant Feedback
          Inspire and champion                                                                                               REVIEW
          greater inclusion within the                                                                           5
          Bank                                                                                                          OUTCOME & EMBED LESSONS LEARNT
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