Page 2 - Introduction to IDG
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IDG are the



       Our work enhances organisations by optimising

       human performance through leadership
       development. We are proud to work with a diverse

       global client base from schools and youth
       foundations through to multi-nationals and


       We create effective leaders and                      We operate around
       followers by improving capability,                   the world from our
       engagement and wellbeing. Deep,                      offices in the UK,
       data-driven insight ensures our                      Africa, Middle East
       bespoke, high-quality solutions are                  and India.
       relevant to your business. A ‘learn by
       doing’ philosophy coupled with
       contemporary thinking makes the                      Our consultants are
       participant experience active and                    experienced leaders
       memorable. Programmes are quality                    from business, the
       assured by data analysis and certified                military, sport and
       professional qualifications.                          education.

       We call this The IDG Way.
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