Page 6 - Introduction to IDG
P. 6



      FACE-TO-FACE              ONLINE                  VIRTUAL REALITY

      We combine relevant,      IDG’s engaging,          We have developed this
      challenging and           experiential delivery,   innovative technology to
      memorable learning        professional broadcast   enable people to
      sessions with pragmatic   studios, seamless        experience capability and
      exercises, collaborative   production management   behavioural development
      activities and social     and first-class technical   in a limitless learning
      interaction. We deliver   support enables the      environment. As a
      onsite at your offices, at   highest quality training to   standalone facilitated
      our inspirational partner   be delivered online. We   session, or as part of a
      venues in the UK, or at   design programmes that   wider programme, our
      hotels and conference     embed learning to suit   multiplayer VR platform
      spaces around the world.  international  time-zones,   creates a unique and
                                at scale, and across all   memorable experience.
                                major web-conferencing
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