Page 212 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 212

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                             12
                                NCM101- Care of Mother, Child and Family (Well Client)

                                              a.  Pain theories            Describe the
                                              b.  Measures for pain          physiologic
                                                 relief                      basis of
                                       B.  Theories of Labor Onset           contractions
                                       C.  Signs of Labor                    during labor
                                          1.   Preliminary Signs of          and they relate
                                          Labor                              to theories of
                                          2.  Signs of True Labor            pain relief
                                       D.  Stages of Labor and             Identify
                                          Delivery                           complementary
                                           1.  Stage 1                       and alternative
                                               a.  Active                    therapies that
                                               b.  Latent                    may be used to
                                               c.  Transition                promote a
                                           2.  Stage 2                       woman’s
                                           3.  Stage 3                       comfort during
                                              a.  Client Preparation         labor and birth
                                              b.  Common                   Discuss the
                                                  Discomforts                pharmacologic
                                              c.  Danger Signs               agents
                                              d.  Appropriate                commonly used
                                                  Nursing                    to provide pain
                                                  Diagnosis                  relief
                                              e.  Nursing                  Assess a
                                                  Interventions              woman in labor,
                                       E.  Monitoring of Progress of         identifying the
                                          Labor and Delivery                 stages and
                                       F.  Mechanisms of Labor               progression
                                       G.  Coping Mechanism of             Assess the
                                          Woman’s Partner and                degree and
                                          Family on the Stresses of          type of
                                          Pregnancy, Labor and               discomfort a
                                          Delivery                           woman is
                                       H.  Preparation of Labor and          experiencing
                                          Delivery Room                      including her

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