Page 217 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 217

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                             17
                                NCM101- Care of Mother, Child and Family (Well Client)

                                           3.  Newborn Screening      •      Formulate
                                           4.  Universal Newborn      nursing diagnoses
                                              Hearing Screening       related to a newborn or
                                       F.  Providing Nutrition        the family of a newborn
                                       G.  Mother-Child Bonding
                                       H.   Identification of the     •      Identify
                                           Newborn                    expected outcomes for
                                       V.     Emergency Baptism       a newborn and family
                                                                      during the first 4 weeks
                                                                      of life

                                                                      •      Plan nursing
                                                                      care to augment
                                                                      normal development of
                                                                      a newborn, such as
                                                                      ways to aid parent-
                                                                      child bonding

                                                                      •      Implement
                                                                      nursing care  of a
                                                                      normal newborn such
                                                                      as administering a first
                                                                      bath or instructing
                                                                      parents how to take
                                                                      care of their newborn

                                                                      •      Evaluate
                                                                      expected outcomes for
                                                                      achievement and
                                                                      effectiveness of
                                                                      nursing care

                                                                                                                                     Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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