Page 220 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 220

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                             20
                                NCM101- Care of Mother, Child and Family (Well Client)

                          Week      II.   The Newborn                 At  the end of the       •  Lecture-                 Pencil-        Pilliteri, Adele, (2010).   Face to Face
                          11             A.  Normal Characteristics  discussions, the          discussion                   Paper test     Maternal and Child
                                             of the Newborn           student will be able to:                             Reaction       Health Nursing Care of
                                         B.  Physiologic Changes                               • Journal Reading            Paper          the Childbearing and
                                             of the Newborn                Assess a                                       Case           Childbearing Family, 6th
                                         C.  Daily Care of the               newborn to             • Practice             Studies        : Pilliteri, Adele, (2010).
                                             Newborn                         determine the            Test
                                           1.  Bath                          stage of                 Questions
                                           2.  Cord Care                     development he
                                           3.  Clothing                      or she has
                                           4.  Sleep Pattern                 achieved
                                           5.  Nutrition                   Formulate
                                               a.  Types of                  nursing
                                                   Feeding                   diagnoses
                                                  i.  Breast                 related to
                                                  ii.  Bottle                growth and
                                                  iii.  Mixed                development  of
                                               b.  Components                newborns and
                                                   and                       parental
                                                   Characteristics           concerns
                                                   of Breast and           Identify
                                                   Cow’s Milk                expected
                                               c.  Advantages and            outcomes for
                                                   Disadvantages             nursing care of
                                                   of:                       a newborn
                                                  i.  Breastfeeding        Plan nursing
                                                  ii.  Bottlefeeding         care to meet a
                                                                             growth and
                                                                           Implement
                                                                             nursing care
                                                                             related to
                                                                             normal growth

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