Page 230 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 230

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                             30
                                NCM101- Care of Mother, Child and Family (Well Client)

                                                                Shows a full understanding    Shows a good                  Shows a god understanding  Does not seem to
                         Content                                of the topics                 understanding of the topic    of parts of the topic         understand the topic very

                                                                Speaks clearly and distinctly  Speaks clearly and distinctly  Speaks clearly and distinctly  Often mumbles or cannot
                                                                all of the time, and          mot of the time, but          most of the time, but         understood or
                         Speaks clearly
                                                                mispronounce no words         mispronounces one or two      mispronounces several         mispronounces several
                                                                                              words                         words                         words

                                                                Presentation is 4-5 minutes   Presentation is 3-4 minutes   Presentation is 2-3 minutes   Presentation is less than 2
                                                                                              long                          long                          minutes or more than 5
                         Time limit
                                                                                                                                                          minutes long


                        Pilliteri, Adele, (2010). Maternal and Child Health Nursing Care of the Childbearing and Childbearing Family, 6th : Pilliteri, Adele, (2010).
                        Maternal and Child Health Nursing Care of the Childbearing and Childbearing Family, 7th Edition
                        :Kozier & Erbs. Fundamentals of Nursing Concepts, Process and Practice. 8th Edition. Vol 1
                        : Wong’s Nursing Care of infants and children, 8th edition
                        : Clinical Practice Pocket Guide: Newborn Care until First Week of life, WHO 2009

                                                  1.  WHO’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals -
                                                  2.  Signs of Pregnancy - /Xoh_elhMQVc
                                                  3.  Newborn Reflexes - (https://youtu.b e/rHYk1sYsge0)
                                                  4.  Brazeltone Neonatal Assessment - https://youtu.b e/tqc8gKuXs3s

                        COURSE POLICIES
                        (on classroom norms, i.e., attendance, missed exams, academic integrity and medium of communication (provided that they don’t run
                        counter to existing policies)

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