Page 235 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
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CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                              3
                                NCM 101- HEALTH ASSESMENT

                          Frame                                           Intended Learning           Teaching and                               Teaching and
                                         Learning Content                                                Learning            Learning                                   Modality
                                                                          Outcomes (ILOs)                                                    Learning References/
                                                                                                     Activities (TLAs)     Assessments             Resources

                          Week1    University Vision, Mission,      At the end of the session,      Lecturette           Quiz                Resources /              Face to face
                                   Goals and Objectives,               students are expected to:    Jingle               Presentation of     References
                                   College ILO, Program ILO,                                        Composition          the composed
                                   College Policies, Grading        Demonstrate knowledge of                             jingle              Administration Manual.
                                   system Course Requirements       University’s VMGO, and                                                   Academic Manual,
                                                                    College policies and
                                                                    guidelines, targets, grading                                             Student Manual
                                                                    system and course
                                                                    requirements of the subject                                              CMO of the Program
                          Week     Conceptual Overview of           At the end of the discussion,   Lecture-             Lecture-            Lippincott Williams and   Face to face
                            2-4    Nursing Health Assessment           students are expected to:    discussion           discussion          Wilkins Cox, Carol
                                    1.  Review of the Nursing                                       Group                Group               Lynn,
                                        Process and Critical          • recall concepts on          summarizing          summarizing         (2010) Health
                                        Thinking                        critical thinking and                                                Assessment
                                    2.  Nurses’ Role in Health          the nursing process                                                  in Nursing. 3rd Edition.
                                        Assessment: Collecting         • appraise nurse’s
                                        and Analyzing Data               role in health
                                    3.  The Client in Context:           assessment
                                        Culture, Spirituality, Family      • recognize the
                                        and Community
                                                                         importance of
                                                                         culture, spirituality,
                                                                         family and
                                                                         community during
                          Week     Nursing Data Collection,         At the end of the discussion,   Lecture-             Paper-pencil test   Cox, Turner              Face to face
                            5-8    Documentation and Analysis          the students will be able to:   discussion        Workbook            Blackwood
                                    A.  Collecting Subjective Data                                  Video                exercise            (2008,) Physical
                              1.       1. The Patient Interview      • Outline subjective           presentation                             Assessment for Nurses
              2.                       2. Complete Health History

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