Page 237 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
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CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                              5
                                NCM 101- HEALTH ASSESMENT

                                     A. General Survey, Mental      •  Perform a comprehensive      Video                Graded return       physical
                                        Status Exam and Vital          physical examination         presentation         demonstration       examination &
                                        Signs                       •  Identify normal and          Demonstration                            health
                                     B. Skin, Hair and Nails           abnormal findings during     Role playing                             assessment.
                                     C. Head, Neck and Regional        patient assessment
                                        Lymphatics                  •  Relate abnormal findings to
                                     D. Eyes                           various disease processes
                                     E. Ears                        •  Apply critical thinking in
                                     F.  Nose, Mouth and Throat        formulating nursing
                                     G. Thorax and Lungs               diagnosis based on
                                     H. Breasts and Regional           assessment findings
                                        Nodes                       •  Synthesize data for
                                     I.  Heart                         validation and
                                     J.  Peripheral Vasculature        documentation
                                     K. Abdomen
                                     L.  Musculoskeletal System
                                     M. Female and Male Genitalia
                                     N. Anus, Rectum and
                                     O. Mental Status and
                                        Neurological Techniques
                                     P. Head-to-Toe Physical
                                        Examination Return
                          Week     Guidelines of an Effective       At the end of the session,      Lecture-             Paper-pencil test                            Face to face
                            15     Interview and Health History        students are expected to:    discussion           Role playing
                                   1. Phases                                                        Video
                                   2. Types of Communication        • Develop appropriate           presentation
                                   3. Special Considerations          communication/interpersonal    Demonstration
                                   Related to Age, Cultural and       techniques in conducting
                                   Emotional Variations               assessment

                                                                    • Develop skill in creating
                                                                       rapport with the client
                                                                       and/or support system

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