Page 241 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 241

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                              9
                                NCM 101- HEALTH ASSESMENT

                                                and observes proper body        observes proper body mechanics  and observes proper body          proper body mechanics
                                                mechanics without supervision  with minimal supervision during     mechanics with full            during the entire. Very
                                                during the entire.              the entire. With very minimal      assistance during the entire.   hesitant in accomplishing
                                                Accomplishes the procedure      hesitation in accomplishing the    With some hesitation in        the procedure and in the
                                                with ease and confidence in     procedure in the correct           accomplishing the procedure  incorrect sequence. Did not
                                                the correct sequence.           sequence and with minimal          in the correct sequence and    interact to the client, provide
                                                Provided privacy, safety and    assistance. Provided privacy,      with assistance. Requires      any privacy and safety.
                                                interaction to the client without  client safety and interaction with   constant reminder in
                                                reminder.                       minimal reminder                   interacting to the client,
                                                                                                                   providing privacy and safety.

                                                 Did not evaluate client         Evaluates the client response to    Evaluates the client          Evaluates client response
                                                response to the procedure and  the procedure and intervention(s)  response to the procedure       to the procedure and
                                                intervention(s). Did not dispose  with full supervision and        and intervention(s) with       intervention(s)without
                                                any of the soiled equipment’s   assistance. Needs constant         some supervision and           supervision. Disposes
                                                properly. Did not perform hand  reminder on the proper disposal    assistance. Needs some         soiled equipment’s in the
                                                hygiene at all and any          of soiled equipment’s into the     reminder on the proper         appropriate bin and
                                                documentation of the            appropriate bin and in performing  disposal of soiled             performs proper hand
                                                interventions.                  proper hand hygiene. Performs      equipment’s into the           hygiene. Performs complete
                                                                                incorrect and incomplete           appropriate bin and in         and accurate
                                                                                documentation of the               performing proper hand         documentation of the
                                                                                intervention(s)                    hygiene. Performs              intervention(s).
                                                                                                                   documentation of the
                                                                                                                   intervention(s) with minimal

                         TOTAL Score

                         LEGEND                 61-80 Excellent                 41-60 Good                         21-40 Satisfactory             20 Unsatisfactory


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