Page 246 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
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                                NCM 102 - HEALTH EDUCATION

                           Frame                                  Intended Learning           Teaching and                                 Teaching and Learning
                                         Learning Content                                  Learning Activities           Learning                                         Modality
                                                                   Outcomes (ILOs)                                                               References/
                                                                                                 (TLAs)                Assessments                Resources

                          Week1       University Vision,        At the end of the        Lecture-discussion        Quiz                    Administration Manual.     Face to face
                                      Mission, Goals and          session, the nursing                                                     Academic Manual,
                                      Objectives, College         students are           Vision Board Creation     Presentation of the     Student Manual
                                      ILO, Program ILO,           expected to:                                     created vision boards
                                      College Policies,         a.  Demonstrate                                                            CMO of the BS Nursing
                                      Grading system Course         knowledge of the                                                       Program
                                      Requirements                  University’s VMGO,
                                                                    and College
                                                                    policies and
                                                                    guidelines, targets,
                                                                    grading system,
                                                                    and course
                                                                    requirements of the

                          Week 2      Unit 1:                   At the end of the        Lecture-discussion        Quiz                    Green, L. W., & Kreuter,   Face to face
                                                                  session, students                                                        M. W. (Eds.). (2005).
                                      Introduction to Health
                                      Education in Nursing        are expected to:       Role-play                 Reflective writing on   Health promotion
                                                                                                                   personal motivations    planning: An educational
                                      Topic 1:                  a.  Identify the                                   for pursuing health     and environmental

                                      Definition and principles     foundational                                   education in nursing    approach. McGraw-Hill
                                      of health education           principles and                                                         Education.
                                                                    concepts of health
                                      Topic 2:                      education.                                                             McKenzie, J. F., Neiger,
                                      Role of nurses in health   b.  Recognize the role                                                    B. L., & Thackeray, R.
                                      education                     of nurses as                                                           (2016). Planning,
                                                                    educators in
                                      Topic 3:                      promoting health                                                       implementing, &
                                                                                                                                           evaluating health
                                      Historical perspectives       and preventing                                                         promotion programs: A
                                      and evolution of health       disease.

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