Page 247 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 247

                                NCM 102 - HEALTH EDUCATION

                                      education in nursing      c.  Explain the                                                            primer (7th ed.).
                                      practice                      historical                                                             Pearson.
                                                                    development and

                                                                    evolution of health
                                                                    education in
                                                                    nursing practice.

                          Week 3      Unit 2:                   At the end of the        Lecture-discussion        Quiz                    Glanz, K., Rimer, B. K.,   Face to face
                                      Theoretical                 session, the nursing                                                     & Viswanath, K. (Eds.).
                                      Foundations of Health       students are           Group Activity on the     Critique of selected    (2008). Health behavior
                                      Education                   expected to:           application of theories   health behavior         and health education:
                                                                                         to case studies in        theories and their      Theory, research, and
                                      Topic 1:                  a.  Analyze various      health education          relevance to nursing    practice (4th ed.).
                                      Health behavior               health behavior      practice                  practice                Jossey-Bass.
                                      theories and models           theories and
                                      (e.g., Health Belief          models.
                                      Model, Social Cognitive   b.  Apply theoretical                                                      Case study***
                                      Theory, Trans-                frameworks to
                                      theoretical Model)
                                                                    understand health
                                      Topic 2:                      behaviors and
                                      Application of theories       inform health
                                      to health education           education
                                      practice                      interventions.
                                                                c.  Critically evaluate
                                                                    the strengths and
                                                                    limitations of

                                                                    different theories in
                                                                    the context of
                                                                    nursing practice.

                          Week 4      Unit 3:                   At the end of the        Lecture-discussion        Actual conduct of       Bastable, S. B. (2019).    Face to face
                                      Assessment of               session, the nursing                             health education        Nurse as educator:
                                      Learning Needs              students are           Design and                                        Principles of teaching
                                                                  expected to:           development of health

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