Page 247 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 247
education in nursing c. Explain the primer (7th ed.).
practice historical Pearson.
development and
evolution of health
education in
nursing practice.
Week 3 Unit 2: At the end of the Lecture-discussion Quiz Glanz, K., Rimer, B. K., Face to face
Theoretical session, the nursing & Viswanath, K. (Eds.).
Foundations of Health students are Group Activity on the Critique of selected (2008). Health behavior
Education expected to: application of theories health behavior and health education:
to case studies in theories and their Theory, research, and
Topic 1: a. Analyze various health education relevance to nursing practice (4th ed.).
Health behavior health behavior practice practice Jossey-Bass.
theories and models theories and
(e.g., Health Belief models.
Model, Social Cognitive b. Apply theoretical Case study***
Theory, Trans- frameworks to
theoretical Model)
understand health
Topic 2: behaviors and
Application of theories inform health
to health education education
practice interventions.
c. Critically evaluate
the strengths and
limitations of
different theories in
the context of
nursing practice.
Week 4 Unit 3: At the end of the Lecture-discussion Actual conduct of Bastable, S. B. (2019). Face to face
Assessment of session, the nursing health education Nurse as educator:
Learning Needs students are Design and Principles of teaching
expected to: development of health
Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024