Page 248 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
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                                NCM 102 - HEALTH EDUCATION

                                      Topic 1:                                           education needs           assessments using       and learning for nursing
                                      Methods and tools for     a.  Demonstrate          assessment plan for a     standardized tools      practice (5th ed.). Jones
                                      assessing individual,         proficiency in       hypothetical community                            & Bartlett Learning.
                                      family, and community         assessing the
                                      health education needs        learning needs of
                                      Topic 2:                      families, and
                                      Cultural, social, and         communities.
                                      developmental             b.  Utilize appropriate
                                      considerations in             assessment tools
                                      assessing learning            and techniques to
                                      needs                         gather relevant
                                                                c.  Interpret
                                                                    findings to identify
                                                                    priority health
                                                                    education topics
                                                                    and target
                          Week 5      Unit 4:                   At the end of the        Lecture-discussion        Case Study Analysis     McKenzie, J. F., Neiger,   Face to face
                          and 6       Planning Health             session, the nursing                                                     B. L., & Thackeray, R.
                                      Education                   students are           Development of health                             (2016). Planning,
                                      Interventions               expected to:           education plans for                               implementing, &
                                                                                         specific target                                   evaluating health
                                      Topic 1:                  a.  Develop              populations                                       promotion programs: A
                                      Setting objectives and        comprehensive                                                          primer (7th ed.).
                                      goals for health              health education
                                      education programs            plans that align with  Drafting of a                                   Pearson.
                                                                    identified learning   comprehensive health
                                      Topic 2:                      needs and            education plan                                    Case study:
                                      Developing culturally         objectives.          addressing a specific                   
                                      competent and             b.  Incorporate          health issue                                      0277-9536(02)00158-2
                                      evidence-based health         evidence-based
                                      education plans               strategies and

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