Page 253 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
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                                NCM 102 - HEALTH EDUCATION

                          Week 15     Unit 10:                  At the end of the        Lecture-discussion        Analysis of a case      Grace, P. J., & Cohen, L.  Face to face
                                      Ethical and Legal           session, the nursing                             study involving ethical  H. (2017). Nursing ethics
                                      Considerations in           students are           Case Discussion:          and legal               and professional
                                      Health Education            expected to:           Ethical dilemmas in       considerations in       responsibility in
                                                                                         health education and      health education        advanced practice (3rd
                                      Topic 1:                  a.  Identify ethical     decision-making                                   ed.). Jones & Bartlett
                                      Ethical principles and        principles and legal                                                   Learning.
                                      guidelines for health         requirements
                                      education practice            relevant to health
                                                                    education practice.
                                      Topic 2:                  b.  Uphold
                                      Legal issues related to       professional
                                      informed consent,             standards and
                                      confidentiality, and          maintain
                                      patient rights                confidentiality in
                                                                    health education
                                      Topic 3:                      interactions.
                                      Professional              c.  Navigate ethical
                                      responsibilities of           dilemmas and
                                      nurses in health              advocate for ethical
                                      education                     decision-making in

                          Week 16     Unit 11:                  At the end of the        Lecture-discussion        Collaborative           Mason, D. J., Gardner,     Face to face
                                      Interdisciplinary           session, the nursing                             development of a        D. B., Outlaw, F. H., &
                                      Collaboration and           students are           Panel Discussion:         health education        O'Grady, E. T. (2015).
                                      Advocacy                    expected to:           Perspectives from         advoccy campaign        Policy & politics in
                                                                                         healthcare                                        nursing and health care
                                      Topic 1:                  a.  Collaborate          professionals working in                          (7th ed.). Elsevier Health
                                      Collaborating with            effectively with     interdisciplinary teams                           Sciences.
                                      healthcare teams and          interdisciplinary
                                      community partners in         healthcare teams
                                      health education              and community
                                      initiatives                   partners to promote

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