Page 252 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 252

                                NCM 102 - HEALTH EDUCATION

                                      Strategies for delivering  b.  Adapt
                                      culturally competent          communication
                                      health education              styles and teaching
                                                                    strategies to
                                      Topic 3:                      accommodate
                                      Addressing health             cultural differences.
                                      disparities and           c.  Respectfully
                                      inequities through            address cultural
                                      cultural competence           beliefs, values, and
                                                                    practices in health
                          Week 13     Unit 9:                   At the end of the        Lecture-discussion        Data Analysis           Funnell, M. M., &          Face to face
                          and 14      Evaluation of Health        session, the nursing                             Exercise: Analyzing     Rogers, P. J. (2011).
                                      Education Outcomes          students are           Development of an         evaluation data to      Purposeful program
                                                                  expected to:           evaluation plan for a     assess outcomes and  theory: Effective use of
                                      Topic 1:                                           health education          impact                  theories of change and
                                      Methods for evaluating    a.  Select appropriate   program                                           logic models. John Wiley
                                      the effectiveness of          methods and tools                                                      & Sons.
                                      health education              to evaluate the
                                      interventions                 effectiveness of
                                                                    health education
                                      Topic 2:                      interventions.
                                      Collecting and            b.  Collect and analyze
                                      analyzing data to             data to assess
                                      assess outcomes and           outcomes and
                                      impact                        measure impact.
                                                                c.  Use evaluation
                                      Topic 3:                      findings to make
                                      Using evaluation              evidence-based
                                      findings to improve           decisions and
                                      health education              improve future
                                      programs                      health education

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