Page 362 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 362

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                             16
                                NCM107 Care of Mother, Child and Family (Well Client)

                          Week      II.  IMMEDIATE CARE OF THE  At  the end of the                  •  Lecture-           Pencil-        Pilliteri, Adele, (2010).   Face to Face
                          8            NEWBORN                        discussions, the                discussion            Paper test     Maternal and Child Health
                                       A.  Definition: Newborn        student will be able to:      • Journal             Reaction       Nursing Care of the
                                       B.  Assessment of the                                          Reading               Paper          Childbearing and
                                           Newborn                    •      Describe the                                  Case           Childbearing Family, 6th :
                                       C.  Maintenance of             normal characteristics                                Studies        Pilliteri, Adele, (2010).
                                           Optimum Temperature        of a term newborn
                                       D.  Establishing Respiration
                                       E.  Prevention of Infection    •      Assess a
                                           and Injury                 newborn in the
                                           1.  Eye Prophylaxis        immediately after
                                           2.  Hepa B                 delivery
                                           3.  Newborn Screening      •      Formulate
                                           4.  Universal Newborn      nursing diagnoses
                                              Hearing Screening       related to a newborn or
                                       F.  Providing Nutrition        the family of a newborn
                                       G.  Mother-Child Bonding
                                       H.   Identification of the     •      Identify
                                           Newborn                    expected outcomes for
                                       V.     Emergency Baptism       a newborn and family
                                                                      during the first 4 weeks
                                                                      of life

                                                                      •      Plan nursing
                                                                      care to augment
                                                                      normal development of
                                                                      a newborn, such as
                                                                      ways to aid parent-
                                                                      child bonding

                                                                      •      Implement
                                                                      nursing care  of a
                                                                      normal newborn such
                                                                      as administering a first
                                                                      bath or instructing

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