Page 365 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 365

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                             19
                                NCM107 Care of Mother, Child and Family (Well Client)

                          Week      II.   The Newborn                 At  the end of the       •  Lecture-                 Pencil-        Pilliteri, Adele, (2010).   Face to Face
                          11             A.  Normal Characteristics  discussions, the          discussion                   Paper test     Maternal and Child Health
                                             of the Newborn           student will be able to:                             Reaction       Nursing Care of the
                                         B.  Physiologic Changes                               • Journal Reading            Paper          Childbearing and
                                             of the Newborn                Assess a                                       Case           Childbearing Family, 6th :
                                         C.  Daily Care of the               newborn to             • Practice             Studies        Pilliteri, Adele, (2010).
                                             Newborn                         determine the            Test
                                           1.  Bath                          stage of                 Questions
                                           2.  Cord Care                     development he
                                           3.  Clothing                      or she has
                                           4.  Sleep Pattern                 achieved
                                           5.  Nutrition                   Formulate
                                               a.  Types of                  nursing
                                                   Feeding                   diagnoses
                                                  i.  Breast                 related to
                                                  ii.  Bottle                growth and
                                                  iii.  Mixed                development  of
                                               b.  Components                newborns and
                                                   and                       parental
                                                   Characteristics           concerns
                                                   of Breast and           Identify
                                                   Cow’s Milk                expected
                                               c.  Advantages and            outcomes for
                                                   Disadvantages             nursing care of
                                                   of:                       a newborn
                                                  i.  Breastfeeding        Plan nursing
                                                  ii.  Bottlefeeding         care to meet a
                                                                             growth and
                                                                           Implement
                                                                             nursing care
                                                                             related to
                                                                             normal growth

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