Page 382 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 382

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                                     3
                                NCM 108 HEALTH CARE ETHICS (BIOETHICS)

                          Frame                                          Intended            Teaching and             Learning          Teaching and Learning
                                        Learning Content                 Learning               Learning            Assessments               References/                 Modality
                                                                    Outcomes (ILOs)        Activities (TLAs)

                          Week      Introduction to the Course      At the end of the     Self-introduction      Recitation               University Manual /         Face-to-face
                            1-2        1.  Introduction of          session, the          of each student                                  Student Handbook
                                           oneself                  students are
                                       2.  Review of the College    expected to:
                                           Vision, Mission,                               Discussion of the
                                           Objectives as            a. integrate
                                           applied to the course  relevant principles     Vision,Mission and
                                       3.  Overview of the          of social, physical,   Objectives of the
                                           course                   natural and           course
                                       4.  Discussion of            health sciences
                                           Requirements and         and humanities in
                                           class policies           a given health and
                                       5.  Tools and equipment      nursing situation.
                                                                    b. display
                                                                    knowledge on
                                                                    interventions and
                                                                    holistically and
                                                                    in care of clients.

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