Page 384 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 384

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                                     5
                                NCM 108 HEALTH CARE ETHICS (BIOETHICS)

                                                                           quality and

                          Week         B.  The human person         At the end of the                                                                                 Face-to-face
                          5-6          1.  The personhood           session, the
                                       2.  Human acts & acts        students are          Interactive            Post quiz             Bioethics Ethics of Life by
                                           of man                   expected to:          discussion             Case study            Fr. Fausto B. Gomez, O.P
                                           a.  Knowledge
                                           b.  Freedom                 a.  establish
                                           c.  Conscience                  rapport        Class Lecture
                                       C.  Types of ethical                with client
                                           thoughts                        and/or
                                           1.  Cantian
                                           2.  Rawl’s ethics               support        Assignment
                                           3.  St. Thomas                  system
                                              Aquinas                      ensuring
                                           4.  Ross ethics                 adequate
                                         Actual/prima-facie               information
                                           duty                            about each
                                         Duty of fidelity                 other as
                                         Duty of reparation               partners in
                                         Duty of gratitude                a working
                                         Duty of justice
                                         Duty of beneficence              relationship
                                         Duty of                      b.  communica
                                           improvement                     te through
                                         Duty of non-                     health
                                           maleficence                     education

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