Page 388 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 388

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                                     9
                                NCM 108 HEALTH CARE ETHICS (BIOETHICS)

                                           3.  Habits                  a.  determine      Activity that will                           2022) by Florentino T.
                                              a.  Types of good            the good       determine the                                Timbreza
                                                  habits                   and bad        knowledge of the
                                              b.  Types of bad             habits and     students:
                                           4.  Virtues of the              virtues a
                                              health care                  health care
                                              provider                     provider       Listing of virtues,
                                         Fidelity                         MUST and       vices and habits
                                         Honesty                          MUST NOT       that they posses as
                                         Integrity                        posses         future health care
                                         Humility                                        providers
                                         Respect
                                         Compassion
                                         Prudence
                                         Courage
                                           5.  Vices of the
                                              health care
                                         Fraud
                                         Pride
                                         Greed
                          Week         G.  Basic ethical                                                                               Bioethics and Moral            Face-to-face
                          14               principles               At the end of the                                                  Decisions (2  edition
                                         Stewardship               session, the          Interactive                                  2022) by Florentino T.
                                         Totality                  students are                                   Case Study          Timbreza
                                         Double effect             expected to:
                                         Cooperation                  a.  analyze the    Class lecture
                                         Solidarity                       research
                                                                           rt for

                                                                                                                                          Revision No. 07 January 10, 2024
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