Page 393 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 393

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                                   14
                                NCM 108 HEALTH CARE ETHICS (BIOETHICS)

                        OTHER MAJOR COMPETENCIES OUTPUT (i.e., Reflection Paper/Portfolio/Film Review, etc. if applicable)
                        Aside from the major examinations, the student will be assessed at other times during the term by the following:

                                                         ●  Reflection Paper
                                                         ●  Reports

                        RUBRIC FOR ASSESSMENT TO BE USED FOR Major Competencies Outputs (MCOs) (if applicable)

                              Criteria                Excellent                      Good                      Satisfactory                Unsatisfactory            Score
                                                       20 pts.                      15 pts.                       10 pts.                       5 pts.
                                             The student is carefully      The student has a focus  There is some                      No apparent
                                             organized and provides        and provides some           organization, but the           organization. Evidence
                                             convincing evidence to        reasonable evidence to      student occasionally goes       is not used to support
                                             support conclusions.          support conclusions.        off topic. Evidence used to     assertion
                                                                                                       support conclusions is

                                             The  content  is  accurate  The content is generally  The content is sometimes            The       content       is
                                             and        comprehensive.  accurate and                   inaccurate or incomplete.       inaccurate    or    overly
                                             Listeners are likely to gain  reasonably complete.        Listeners may learn some        general.  Listeners  are
                         CONTENT             new  insights  about  the  Listeners may develop a  isolated facts, but they are  unlikely             to     learn

                                             topic.                        few insights about the      unlikely to gain new            anything  or  may  be
                                                                           topic.                      insights about the topic.       misled.

                                             The        student        is  The student is generally  The  student  occasionally  The  student  appears
                                             professional,                 relaxed and comfortable.   appears        anxious      or  anxious                and
                         DELIVERY            relaxed,  and  comfortable  Listeners are generally       uncomfortable,  and  may  uncomfortable               and

                                             and                           recognized            and  occasionally  read  notes,  reads notes, rather than
                                                                           understood                                                  speaks.

                                                                                                                                          Revision No. 07 January 10, 2024
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