Page 394 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 394

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                                   15
                                NCM 108 HEALTH CARE ETHICS (BIOETHICS)

                                             interacts  effectively  with                              rather      than       speak.  Listeners are ignored
                                             listeners                                                 Listeners are often
                                                                                                       ignored or misunderstood.

                         TOTAL Score

                         LEGEND              61-80 Excellent               41-60 Good                  21-40 Satisfactory              20 Unsatisfactory


                              Bioethics Ethics of Life by Fr. Fausto B. Gomez, O.P
                              Law, Ethics, & Bioethics for the Health Professions (Rosely Mistler-2021)
                              Bioethics and Moral Decisions (2  Edition 2022) by Florentino T. Timbreza



                        COURSE POLICIES
                              Attendance – Every student is given a maximum of 15 hours absent only. Absence due to some reasons will not automatically be
                                excused. Admission slip should be secured from the Dean’s Office.
                              Class participation – Everyone is encouraged to participate in all class activities such as seatwork, group work, recitation, etc.
                              Late work – Late submission of project/laboratory activities is given a deduction of 1 pt. per day.
                              Missed Exam – Missed examinations or activities will only be given if the student is excused from classes. An Admission Slip
                                should be presented and serve as basis.
                              Academic integrity – The class is expected to follow the policies of the school, the college and the teacher/professor. Academic
                                freedom is also exercised.

                                                                                                                                          Revision No. 07 January 10, 2024
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